Monday, July 1, 2013

Reflection on Children of Men

I liked this book. I am partial to the "band of survivors" type of Dystopias. While the 5 Fishes weren't the only survivors in the whole world, they are the book's "band of survivors."

First off, this is one of the scariest types of dystopias/apocalypses. If everyone were infertile then we would all die out within 100 years. However, if we had access to fertile sperm we could prolong our race for a bit longer. If it happened now we could still get sperm from fertility clinics and sperm banks. That wouldn't last us too long. With nowaday's technology scientists would most likely be able to grow people. Or grow sperm cells. Scientists in Japan have recently grown a mouse from a drop of blood. Neat stuff.

Buuuuut this happened in 1994. We wouldn't have had the technology back then.

There is something that kinda is annoying me though. It seems that their society is pretty darned orderly. I just don't see how there can be something so catastrophic and there not just be a massive upheaval of society. I don't think that humans have the capacity to come together after something that big, especially if after they died there would be no more people to live on earth. Hell, if that happened I would probably riot, then move out to the countryside and fend for myself.

The idea of the Omegas is pretty weird. I don't like how they received special attention and were buttheads about it. Also, I don't really understand the concept of a "generation." Where is the cutoff? I know that there was the Baby Boomer generation, and their kids were a generation, but doesn't that generation line get blurred along the way? Anyway, I didn't like the Omega's status.

This was a pretty good book overall.

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