Friday, September 7, 2012

Can propaganda be a good thing?

Yes, I believe that propaganda can be used for good and can be a good thing. One of the most obvious uses of propaganda is when it is used in wartime. Sure, war can be a bad thing, but using propaganda to motivate citizens to ensure your country's victory is a noble idea. Let's make up a hypothetical situation. Country A is good. Country B is bad. Country B keeps attacking country A and country A has no choice but to go to war with country B. If country A wins then the world will be at peace. If country B wins then the world will be in chaos. I think that if country A uses propaganda to help its cause then it is an instance of propaganda being used for the greater good.

Another method of propaganda that we discussed was propaganda in children's books. In And Tango Makes Three  the two propagandic points were that it is ok to be gay and that gay people can raise a child perfectly fine, and the other point was just teaching children to be more tolerant of differences. I think that both of these points are true, so propaganda subliminally teaching children them is fine by me. Now, I know that some uninformed people will disagree with me about gay marriage. That is a contested point in our world today. However, I think that we can all agree that being tolerant is a good thing. Therefore, I think that propaganda in children's media for good things is ok.

Also, I think that it is just fine for politicians to lie to sway voters--wait, I don't, Paul Ryan.

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